Name | Age | |
(1) What were your first impressions of the Temple? (2) How about ZAZEN? |
B.M | 15 | |
(1) It is very nice and spacious. I found the garden very beautiful and the rooms very confortable. (2) Zazen was very intersting. I was very scared to get hit but it was very relaxing to sit and listen alot. It was also very peaceful and I learnt a lot about myself. |
J.T | 14 | |
(1) I thought the temple was large, beautiful and quiet. (2) Zazen was relaxing, I enjoyed it very much. |
M.A | 14 | |
(1) Very interesting, It was peaceful + quiet , very relaxing. (2) It was very welcoming. Uncomforlable, when we first started, then it was quiet relaxing. In the second experience, it was quiet uncomfortable. It was a new + different experience! I like it alot. |
N | 14 | |
(1) I first thought the temple was very tradditional, but soon found that technology had crept it's way in. (2) I found Zazen very relaxing. Others who were hit said it did not hurt, but when I voluntarily got hit, I found that it did! very much! Other than this I found Zazen very culture enlightening. |
B.M | 16 | |
(1) Very peaceful and it had a sence of welcoming. I was spiritually enlightned and relaxing. (2) It was a new experience and I liked it very much. I would like to go do this spilitual reflection again. I believe now I am closer to to Nivarna. |
L | 16 | |
(1)Secred and interesting. Quiet and safe. (2) Scary but interesting uncomfortable and a very new experience. |
M.B | 15 | |
(1) Very sacred and old. Very oriental looking. (2) Very good and relaxing. I feel very relaxed and tired. It was a very good experience. |
R.K | 15 | |
(1) As a quiet place, as a place of relaxation. (2) New and interesting - very safe. |
J.G | 15 | |
(1)Sacred ,Traditional , Peaceful, Trantquil (2) Interesting, Different,Cultural ,Relaxing |
S | 29 | |
(1) Very traditional and peaceful. A beautiful garden. (2) Very challenging. A completely different experience. It gave me a very Asian -Oriented feeling. Most enjoyable and interesting. |
Headteacher | 50 | |
(1) Very peaceful ,restful,sacred. (2) Prayerful, Challenging, restful, calmimg, energish, enjoyable, Peace amongst a busy world. |
M.K | 21 | |
(1) 私は小学校がこの近くの永野小ということもあり、遠足などでよく遊びに来ていました。しかし座禅をこのお寺でしたのは初めてで、こちらの本堂に来れてよかったです。
(2) 座禅自体は小さいとき、少林寺拳法を習っていたため経験したことはありましたが、きちんとした作法で行ったのは初めてでした。
W.M | 21 | |
(1) とても静かで落ち着いた雰囲気で心が安らぎました。
(2) 私は格闘技をしているので精神を鍛えるという面では共通していると思います。なので精神力、集中力をつけるのにとても為になりました。ありがとうございました。
O.H | 18 | |
(1) 周りが近代的な建物がある中で、ここだけが静かですごく良い場所だと思いました。
(2) 今回が初めての座禅ですが、良い体験ができました。こんなに近い場所に座禅するところがあるなんて知りませんでした。
T.E | 21 | |
(1) とても落ち着いた感じで安らげました。お寺の方々も本当に親切でした。ありがとうございました。
(2) 私は地元に住んでいますが、こんなに近くに安らぎの場所があったなんて本当に驚きました。やはりゴミゴミした都会生活を忘れさせる場所は必要ですね。
N.A | 20 | |
(1) 普段ただ通り過ぎるだけだったので、今回は本堂の様子など内部を見学できて良かった。
(2) 実際にやるのは初めてだったので、良い機会になった。思ったより集中できたと思う。
O.H | 43 | |
(1) 純日本風の家はやっぱり気持ちが引き締まりまるようで大好きです。
(2) 私は今回は2回目です。日本人ですが、座禅はこの国際交流に入会してからです。その時よりもむしろ座禅の後のほうが気持ちが良いようです。