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【Sangha Gathering in Teishoin】
Please join us for our Sangha gathering,
a mindful Sunday afternoon,
based on Plum village tradition.
We will practice Thich Nhat Hanh(Thay)'s teaching :
Walking meditation / Sitting meditation / Thay's video / Singing Plum village songs /Dharma sharing / Tea-time meditation / etc.
(led by Nao, etc.)
◆Date : Sunday, Mar. 13th. 2011, 1:30pm - 5pm (open at 1pm)
◆Place : Teishoin temple (5-1-3 Kaminagaya ,Konan-ku, Yokohama, JAPAN)(map)
◆Access : 5 min. walk from "Kami-Nagaya station" (上永谷駅)
on Yokohama Shiei-Chikatetsu (Blueline)(横浜市営地下鉄/ブルーライン)
◆All are welcome.
◆Suggested donation : 500- Yen / will be used to cover the expensesof the sangha gathering, and/or will be donated to Plum village.
◆Language : Japanese and English.
◆Reservation : Please let us know your name and the number ofparticipants.
We will get back to you only whenthe space gets to be full.
E-mail to : plumvillagetokyo@gmail.com.